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[Forum] Creation and Transformation: An International Forum on Yusheng Lin's Intellectual Legacy|Apr. 3, 2024, Wedn.

Creation and Transformation: An International Forum on Yusheng Lin's Intellectual Legacy
Title:  The Pursuit of Freedom: The Thought and Life of Yu-sheng Lin
Time: April 3, 2024 13:10~16:00 
Venue: LA7006, College of Liberal Arts, NSYSU
Speaker: Josephine Chiu-Duke (University of British Columbia)
Discussants: Yuen Hung Tai (Institute of Philosophy, NSYSU)、Mark Frederick McConaghy (Department of Chinese Literature, NSYSU)、Carlos Yu-Kai Lin (Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, NSYSU)(Host)
Organizers:College of Liberal Arts, NSYSU,  Center for the Humanities, NSYSU, The Global Sinology Forum at NSYSU,「跨文化共生國際漢學」潛力國際研究群
Professor Lin Yu-sheng (1934-2022) is a leading authority on the May Fourth totalistic anti-traditionalism. His efforts in pursuing liberal values and in advocating "the creative transformation" of tradition have made an important contribution to our understanding of how humanistic tradition can be best safeguarded under liberal democracy.
A Pre-Forum Workshop on the International Forum on Yu-Sheng Lin's Intellectual Legacy
*As a highlight of the upcoming international forum scheduled for April 3rd, 2024, we cordially invite you to participate in two interactive sessions featuring Professor Yu-Sheng Lin's influential publication, The Crisis of Chinese Consciousness: Radical Antitraditionalism in The May Fourth Era (《中國意識的危機:五四時激烈的反傳統主義》) and Professor Josephine Chiu-Duke's latest book, In Search of Liberty: Yu-Sheng Lin's Life and Thought (《自由的追尋:林毓生的思想與生命》). Please reach out to us for access to the reading materials.
Two Sessions: 
1) 2024/03/29 1300-1500 (LA3019)
2) 2024/04/03 1000-1100 (TBD)
     *To ensure the consistency of our discussions, it is highly recommended that you attend the first session 
       before attending the second one. 
林毓凱 Carlos Yu-kai Lin (Department of Foreign Languages and Literature): clin@mail.nsysu.edu.tw 
Organizers:College of Liberal Arts, NSYSU,  Center for the Humanities, NSYSU, The Global Sinology Forum at NSYSU,「跨文化共生國際漢學」潛力國際研究群


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