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The Craft of Interviewing

Title: The Craft of Interviewing 2020/09/01

Author: Shan Te-hsing


Interviews present the wisdom and experience of the interviewees and the reader benefits from them, but the process is time-consuming and arduous, and the hardships are not easy to understand. The author has been involved in interviewing for 37 years and considers interviewing a "craft." This book is a reflection of his experience, providing not only a standard practice for interviewing, but also sharing his exclusive insights and experiences with readers.

Publisher: Kaohsiung City: National Humanities Research Center of Sun Yat-sen University

Table of Contents:


I|Start with Two Stories───────────────────────────────────────────03

II|Interviews and Oral History───────────────────────────────────────11

III|News Interviews─────────────────────────────────────────────21

IV|The Calling of Life:Self/Selfless,With/out(Otherness)─────────────────────30

V|nterviewers at Work───────────────────────────────────────────33

VI|Basic Forms of Interviewing: Face-to-Face and Written interviews ──────────────39

VII|The Process and Key Points of Interviewing───────────────────────────44

VIII|The Subjectivity of Interviewer: Who is the Subject and Who is the Object?───────65

IX|Characteristics and Functions of Interview────────────────────────────74




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